August 11th - Day 223
There is no way to face the fear of non-existence other than to face it. Non-existence is the fear of death. In spite of your best efforts the body is going to drop. There is no security here. Look around. Everything is in the process of fading away. Do you think you'll beat the odds? That is what the spiritual search is all about, an attempt to beat the odds by doing something before it happens. There is a quiet desperation about somehow surviving as a personality and going to a heaven where you'll meet your loved ones who have gone before. It is a fairytale which many hold onto like a favorite teddy bear and they won't let it go. One need only look at what cannot die. That, which has never been born, cannot die. And That is You. It has nothing to do with the body and nothing to do with thoughts or emotions. Let fear come. Let anger come.
Let all these states come and don't move. Don't go looking for a way out in distractions or paths. Face the Truth of Who you are, finally. You have been running from this Truth all your life. Perhaps for the first time, face Stillness without telling a story about how you think it will be boring or lifeless or flat or have some other negative quality. Face it and find out for yourself that Stillness is the most alive thing ever because it is Life itSelf. But you will never know this unless you have the courage to face yourself - the Self you have been running from.