The following are comments or insights that have arisen from the time spent with Spiritual Vitamins. If you would like to share something that has come up for you ... click here.
Subject SV for 3/27/2012 Date 3/28/2012 Bob Wrote: Stumbled on this site per chance. I sat with Wayne on the messenger group way back when and also read his book. This site is a gem. Reading the SV for the above date I suddenly realized that I understood it completely without thinking----------all I did was laugh at the surprise. James wrote on Jan 23, 2012: I must admit that quite a few SV's seem to do nothing but get me arguing - and rather than evoke any particular insights or experience I end up doing nothing but coming out feeling disctinctly smug with the sophistication of my opinions about such 'sayings' (cue cries of 'no shit Sherlock'). Today not so. Today not one peep from the ol' opionion-maker. Today's SV was like a light breeze on a summer's day in a perfect country setting. Here it is: "As you go outside today, look up and notice the clouds passing by. Listen to the birds and insects. Do not identify anything, just notice it. Look at a tree and at the ground. Look in your mirror and notice the image. Do not label the images, just notice them. If the sound of a voice or of nature arises in your consciousness, notice it. As you react to anything - to a voice, to a phone ringing, to an ache in your stomach, notice it. And notice the noticing. Just for today, begin to notice things and begin to notice that it takes absolutely no effort at all to notice, to be aware of anything. Become aware of how effortless, totally effortless, it is to notice the clouds rolling along. To notice that which comes into your awareness requires nothing of you at all. You need do nothing at all. Just notice how effortless it is to notice, to be aware of the world. Watch how effortlessly the world rolls on. Notice how it rolls through your awareness, requiring nothing from you at all" |